Matching mullets! Matching fanny packs! I'm pretty sure they were heading for Times Square….
There was a magnificent storm last Thursday evening. It started just as everyone began filing out of work. The lighting, the thunder, the streets being turned into rivers: I LOVE SUMMER.
This poor guy forgot his umbrella. His white polo was soaked and you could see his man boobs…or moobs as some kids like to call 'em. He just smiled like, "Oh well, what can I do about it now?" The smile made me think he was British. They have a great way of laughing at themselves. I took out my earbud to see if I was right and, sure enough, he was indeed British.
The rain had calmed down by the time I reached 86th street. The corner of 86th and 3rd was a lake. I sort of skipped through it and around the corner. Then I saw this genius:
Plastic bags around the shoes! At least I hope she had shoes on underneath there. From the way she walked it seemed as if water may have gotten into the bags, which really would have defeated the purpose.
And finally, although this has nothing to do with rain or mullets, I present to you the greatest name ever:
It was on a real estate sign near west 4th and 6th ave. I just stared for a very long time. Why would someone name their child Proctor? And why, if your name is Proctor Wong, do you think you need to get the N. involved? Was there another Proctor Wong at the firm? Were things getting confusing? Does the N. add some class and sophistication to it? Do you think people won't automatically think of proctologist if the N. is thrown in?
I should really call up and ask him.
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