Thursday, April 26, 2007

what camera phones are good for

So for the past few months, I’ve been taking pictures of random people on the subway. I don’t do it every day, not even every week, but once in a while, you just have to capture the moment for posterity’s sake. Sometimes I look back on a picture and have no idea why I took it. Maybe the people seemed familiar—not that I knew them, but that they reminded me of myself years ago. I get that a lot whenever I’m near NYU.

The good ones though, you can’t help but remember. There was no way I could not take a picture of these people. They make an impression on me and I don’t want to get off at my stop and just forget them forever. So I take out my phone, pretend I’m sending a text message, and take a grainy awful picture. Here are some of those pictures.

This gentleman was very hungry. I was heading uptown after my second day of work at a new job, sitting across from these two. She was obviously not enjoying herself, and he was transfixed by his Combo’s. The man was ravenous. There was Combo flotsam flying all over the place. He didn’t care. He needed Combo goodness in his mouth as soon as possible. She got off at 59th Street, and he had finished his Combo’s, so he made himself comfortable:

He had a nice meal, and now he was going to take a nap.

Last Saturday night, on my way to Lederhosen, I saw this dapper fellow:

I almost never take trains on the West side, but after seeing this guy, I think I may have to start. He was like a mix between Crispin Glover and Geraldo Rivera. That mustache was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. And the three piece suit? THREE PIECE SUIT! With a vest and everything. I think he even had a pocket watch. And he kept checking himself out in the refelction from the ad behind me. We both got off at 14th street. I should have followed him.

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